Summer Holidays and Back to School in February

Summer holidays ended with celebrating Australia Day, Paul’s birthday and Chinese New Year. 

Happy Chinese New Year

In downtown Perth, there were many events with lion dances and a lantern festival to celebrate Chinese New Year. The Fringe is also happening so downtown is bustling with people and great energy. Taking the train downtown is most convenient and efficient. There’s a train station just 5 minutes from our house and it takes about 20 mins to get downtown. 

Sunset at Elizabeth Quay
Lantern Festival

I loved the lights at Elizabeth Quay. It is the year of the Rooster, and I happen to be a rooster with many of my friends born in 1981. The last rooster year was 12 years ago, and I remember I was traveling in Hong Kong that year. My aunt gifted me a small jade dragon to carry to ward off any bad luck and suggested I pray to the gods. I didn’t question why I had to carry a dragon but I carried it for a long time. Now instead of carrying a piece of jade dragon, I happen to have a little boy who was born in the year of the dragon, so I feel lucky!! 

We’re both roosters!!

Back to School

School started for both Atticus and I. Paul is dropping off and picking up Atticus at a school close by and I have a 20 minute commute. I think we were all a bit overwhelmed in our first week. We are starting to settle into all the new routines and environment. Some differences I noticed so far is how much more outdoor time kids get. The kids eat outside and then it’s recess. The schools are many small buildings mostly connected with covered pathways. There is no indoor gymnasium, but a big field called the oval for sport and gym activities. The playgrounds are all well-equipped with all kinds of climbing apparatus’ so kids can really run, climb, swing and slide to their heart’s content. Each week students get one period of sport + Phys. Ed and the activities are skill-based including cardio. 

Being back in the classroom has been quite the adjustment for me, but I am well supported by admin, staff and parents. Even my students are patient with me as I try to understand what they’re saying at times.  But kids are kids, they embrace the hands-on activities, classroom games, and Go Noodle. 

Happy Birthday Atticus

Last week we had record breaking rain and the temperatures dropped down to 15 degrees celsius. The wetness made it a bit cold but Paul and Atticus still lived in shorts and I just layered up. I saw a few people wearing winter coats. It is most unusual to get all this rain and cool temperatures this time of the year, normally it’s 40 degrees and worrying about heat waves. I hoped for the rain to stop in time for Atticus’ birthday and luckily it did. We celebrated his 5th birthday in our backyard. We invited some friends and had a bbq and bouncy castle. Atticus had a blast!

Atticus asked for a Peppa Pig cake and I attempted making the cupcakes but it was a Pinterest fail for me. 
Our Aussie mates, thanks for coming!! 
This was huge hit for kids and adults.
Happy 5th birthday my sweet boy!! 


  1. Angela

    Looks like a lot of fun! We are glad Atticus had a great time! Hope it warms up for you. We just had a huge dump of snow – 3 storms one after another but we saw two robins and the weather next week is above zero! We think spring is on it’s way…

  2. Andrea

    Happy birthday Atticus! Looks like a fun party:)

  3. Jo Low

    wow! Looks like you’re having a blast! So happy for you all xxx Big hug Love Auntie Jo

  4. Lori

    Enjoying your blogs very much. It’s fun and interesting to learn about a different area of the world through the eyes of someone that is living right in the middle of it. Looks like Atticus had a great 5th birthday. He looks really grown up in the pic of him in front of the bouncy castle. Take care and look forward to move blogs.

  5. Shirley Sawyer

    Happy Birthday, Atticus, looks like a really fun party!!!

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